Financial Audits


All SAF-recipient organizations are eligible for their funding requests and approvals are to be audited by the Student Council Board of Audit and Management. The Board of Audit and Management (BAM) is responsible for conducting audits of Appropriation’s allocation of SAF funds as well as Student Council spending. BAM operates independent of outside control or influence, and no BAM Commissioner participates in audits of organizations in which they are involved. Additionally, the Board of Audit and Management is responsible for handling appeals from CIOs and organizations on UVA grounds. The Director of BAM is jointly appointed by the two Student Council Vice Presidents (VPA and VPO) and serves as BAM’s official liaison between organization officers and the Representative Body. All audits remain confidential to BAM, Organizations Branch Leadership, executive officers, and the Student Council Representative Body.

All audits remain confidential to BAM, executive officers, and the Student Council Representative Body.

Audit process

Each Rolling Round, BAM randomly selects CIO funding requests and approvals to audit from each CIO. The Board then examines Appropriations decisions for each funding request, upholding the SAF guidelines to ensure that funds are being allocated fairly, consistently, and accurately. The Board notes any areas for concern and/or mistakes and communicates these to Appropriations and Vice President through a semester-end report.


CIOs should go to the "Forms" section on Presence and fill out the SAF Funding Appeal Form.

  • The Director of the Board of Audit and Management is responsible for appointing at least ten Commissioners to BAM, with the Student Council Vice Presidents serving as an advisor to the selection process. All Commissioners must be approved by the Representative Body.

  • The Board shall have the following powers:

    • Auditing: The Board has the power to audit the Student Council and any CIO receiving SAF funding.

    • Appeals: The Board has the power to overturn any funding decision made by Appropriations if there are details found in the funding approvals inconsistent with those present in the current SAF Guidelines.

    • Obtaining Records: The Board has the power to obtain financial and any other relevant records from the organization being audited.

    • Summoning Witnesses: The Board may require the officers of an organization, or any relevant witnesses, to appear before the Board.

  • The Board shall have the following responsibilities:

    • Auditing the Student Activity Fee Account: The Board shall conduct a monthly audit of the Student Activity Fee Account and report the results to the Vice President of Organizations and the Vice President for Administration.

    • Management of Appeals: The Board shall take all funding request appeals into consideration from all organizations on grounds and properly reference the SAF guidelines to offer solutions with explanations. The Board may either reject or deny these appeals on a vote of the committee members. The Director and Deputy Directors have the power to veto any decisions made by the Board.

    • Auditing Contracted Independent Organizations: Upon random selection, the Board shall conduct an audit of randomly chosen Contracted Independent Organizations and review recent approvals and funding requests.

    • Auditing the Council: Upon the request of the President, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Organizations, majority vote of the Representative Body, or by the request of the Director of the Board, the Board shall conduct an audit of the Council, or of any part of Council.

    • Reporting of Results: The Board shall report the results of all audits of Contracted Independent Organizations to the Vice President for Organizations and the results of all audits of the Council to the Officer(s) requesting the audit, or to the Representative Body when appropriate.

    • Limitations on Board’s Authority: The Board of Audit and Management shall have no punitive powers; its authority shall be limited to notifying members of Student Council of financial irregularities or unauthorized uses of Council funds.