ARTS WEEK is here.

Monday: DANCE

6:00PM: Salsa Lesson with Salsa Club, 1515 Studio

Tuesday: Poetry and comedy

2:30PM: Arts Career Advising Drop-Ins with the Career Center, Clemons 2nd Floor Georges Student Center

5:00PM: Poetry/Spoken Word Performances from Flux Poetry, 1515

6:00PM: Hot Kids Comedy Info Session, New Cabell 027

7:00PM: Comedy Night ft. The Whethermen and Amuse Bouche, Student Activities Building

Wednesday: music

4:00PM - 7:00PM: Coffeehouse performances from student musicians, 1515

Thursday: A Capella

7:00PM - 10:00PM: A Capella Night, 1515

Performances from The Flying Vs, Academical Village People, Christian Hoos Exalt, Hoos in Treble, Hoos in the Stairwell, Harmonious Hoos, New Dominions, Ektaal, and Virginia Sil'hooettes

Friday: Check out events at the fralin!

3:00PM: Exhibition tour

5:00PM: First Friday Reception